CRICKET SONG is the sound that emanates from our poetry. As the mating song of the cricket, our poetry can call forth life.
Here, friends--and anyone who loves words--can gather and share the power of words.
I admit I am biased toward Pudding House Publications. After years of building a collection of over 450 poems, taking 3 classes, and paying for some individualized instruction, I was told to be patient because it could take up to 5 years to find a publisher, a merit publisher, not a vanity or subsidy publisher. Pudding House is one of the small press literary publishers, (the largest in the USA) who still publish according to the value of what they accept. I ordered my supply of books after I was told I would be published, and I was told I need not buy even one of my own books. In my view, that is as good as it gets in small press literary publishing. Give a click to Jennifer Bosveld, the editor has filled the site with essays, information and links, enough for a long session of reading. Go there and browse. If you are a poet or essayist, email the editor with a sample of your work. Be prepared. She will answer you the same day if she is not on the road! How refreshing to talk to a very personable human being so quickly. And she answers her own phone. Consider sending a chapbook's worth of poetry -- about 18 to 24 pages. If nothing else, Jennifer is a people-person and she will be a great contact and friend to have. Hooray for Pudding House!
“Gravel Dust and Dreams,”—a poetry collection of growing up in the ‘40s and ‘50s in east central Illinois—was published in 2009 by Pudding House Publications. A sequel, "Outside the Crowd," will be in print this year. He now has 3 more books seeking publication, "Portraits,“ “Earth Too Wonderful” and “More Poems by Jim Coffman.”
His works have appeared in several journals and anthologies, including The Mid-America Poetry Review, Missouri Teachers Write, Imagine: Arts Ministry Magazine of Imago Dei, Illness and Grace: Terror and Transformation, and 5 issues of Well Versed.
Jim is now a retired minister after 40 years active service. He authored the books, “Communicate In Word and Deed” and “Finding Myself in the Parables” and many articles for Catalyst, Alive, The Disciple, The Christian, and devotional materials for The Quiet Hour and The Secret Place.
Jim is a member of the Missouri Writer’s Guild and the CCMWG. His wife, Jan, an art photographer, is an active participant with Jim in the CCMWG.
I am still excited over my first book of poetry now published. Gravel Dust and Dreams, the first installment of my coming-of-age series, is now in hand. The publisher, Pudding House Press, of Columbus OH, has done a superb job with its printing.Gravel Dust and Dreams - $10.00 (each) in person or $10.88 (each) by mail. If ordering by mail please furnish cash or check and full address.Outside the Crowd, a sequel, is in production and will be released in the next few weeks.
UPCOMING READINGS February 21, 2:00 - First Christian Church, Savannah, MO
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